A Better Youth
From Mind FULL to Mindful Living
A Better YOUth empowers youth as they explore the nuances of mindfulness and mindful living. Mindfulness is the practice of expanding one’s present moment awareness of thoughts, emotions, sensations and the environment one’s in. It also involves being aware of your emotional and physical responses, without labels and judgement, but rather with compassion and openness.
Experiential in nature, the workshop is structured to nurture wholesome emotions like joy, love and appreciation. It teaches you how to tap into your own innate power through mindfulness, relaxation, imagination, automatic journaling and creative processes. As you explore your own inner landscape, you discover simple ways of finding balance in all dimensions of wellness. You also develop your personal sense of inner peace and authenticity, all of which leads to more mindful living.
We explore three key concepts for A Better YOUth (i) you are the sole director of your life (ii) leveraging from being in balance ‘now’ (iii) the joy of celebrating your own unique self and style.
The workshop incorporates the principles of mindfulness and is delivered over 8 weekly segments, to aid in processing stress, getting past stumbling blocks, limiting beliefs, negative emotions and mental chatter. Each segment is curated with self-discovery in mind, and to learn a distinct mindfulness skill. The resulting outcome is a heightened awareness of the present moment, a sense of calm confidence, being creatively focused; better health; being more effective and productive.
It's a platform to express oneself freely, as well as to hone new habits for mindful living. All in an environment that is safe, non-judgmental and unconditional. It is filled with guided mindfulness practices, breathing and relaxation techniques, creative processes, and automatic journaling to help experience and internalize learnings.
Workshop material is designed to engage the most sceptical young mind and help them thrive, while maintaining their state of well-being. This is not intended to replace professional or medical assistance.
What YOUth will experience
creating memories that inspire and benefit self
developing harmonious relationships with Self and others
how to keep energy in motion and enjoy physical ease
developing an abundance mindset
finding balance in the 8 dimensions of wellness
present moment awareness and the joy of living in the present
learning how to stay connected with their true self
learning how to celebrate our differences
Working through stress – peer/parental pressure, social stigma and the need to ‘fit in’, competition and comparison
Jun 7 - Jul 26, 2025
Sat, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Workshop Information
For ages: 15-21 years
Live online Workshop with access from any part of the world
8 90-min. live segments of learning spread over 2 months
16 30-min. guided meditation / relaxation sessions for 2 months
A Better YOUth Guide and workbook
Fun processes, exercises, games and journaling to empower YOUth
Audio recordings of meditations and relaxations
100 ways to a 'FUNspired Life' banner

Who will benefit
There is no pre-requisite, so everyone in this age group can benefit from growing into a better version of Self.
Youth experiencing peer/parental pressure, social media influence and the need to 'fit in', or emotional discord, especially 'I'm not good enough.'
Youth who are conflicted in making choices, who find themselves 'overthinking,' in the 'comparison and competition' bind, or are unaware of how to channelize their creative energy can also benefit from this workshop.