Transpersonal Therapy
Give yourself an emotional detox, explore your inner-self, and move towards what you DO want.
“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens.”
Carl Jung, Psychiatrist
If you feel your life isn't working, you're in pain, and you want help getting back on track, then it's time to Clear the Clutter. Clutter isn't only about physical stuff, but mental and emotional as well. It's about transmuting energy that does not serve you in the here and now – an act of self-care, and a holistic practice of letting go, and living from a place of clarity and mindfulness.
Transpersonal Therapy
Transpersonal therapy integrates cognitive techniques with spiritual aspects in the exploration of the inner-self. It facilitates the process of moving past unpleasant life experiences, fear, worry, anxiety, stress, relationship issues, depression, addictions, health conditions, etc.
Our holistic approach focuses on exploring and assimilating thoughts, beliefs and emotions with personal life experiences, facilitates making peace with who you are and where you are in life. You progressively move from awareness, through acceptance to inspired action that allows well-being to flow.
The primary tool is cognitive – talking with your therapist, and creating that therapeutic bond of trust, acceptance and understanding. Other tools include Focusing, Energy Tapping, Breath work, Relaxation, Visualization, Walk-talk therapy and Hypnotherapy. These blended techniques work on the client’s goals through both a conscious behavioral and a subconscious level so that the mind and being are congruent and working together.
Hypnotherapy is an extension of traditional cognitive therapy. While cognitive therapy works with the conscious mind, Hypnotherapy engages with the subconscious to achieve a desired outcome or goal.
It's a state in which ideas expressed (suggestions) are generally experienced more vividly, which in turn creates new awareness.
Hypnotherapy creates a state of awareness that allows for better focus and concentration. It helps a client engage with and work through their innermost thoughts and beliefs in this heightened state of awareness. It allows you to realign your perspective and core beliefs in a more meaningful and lasting way.
During this state one is more open to new suggestions to change perceptions, thoughts, emotions and also behaviours. Depending on one's motivation, there may be a shift in perspective on specific subjects, habits or stress. It's important to note that the client is aware of everything and is in charge throughout the process. The only requirement for therapeutic results is that the person has a conscious desire and willingness to let go, surrender and grow.
Walk-Talk Therapy
Walk-talk therapy involves taking therapy outdoors, where the air quality is healthy and the space is clean and green. The sense of spaciousness in nature allows a client to relax more easily, release physical tension and effortlessly soften resistance.
Nature is also very reassuring and unconditional, and so clients experience more freedom in this setting. This is extremely beneficial when working through anxiety, depression and stubborn habits of thinking and feeling. Nature is also the best way to ground yourself, which makes this form of therapy more effective.
Walk-talk therapy is part of the eco-psychotherapy umbrella, a combination of ecology and psychotherapy.
The goal is the journey over there; the goal is the fun you have
along the way, on your way to over there.
~ Abraham-Hicks
If you feel your life isn't working as well as you'd like, and you want help becoming the best you can be, then it's time to Dream BIG! To Dream BIG is to be willing to go beyond the limits of the mind and create a magnificent life for oneself.
Life Coaching
Life coaching is an amazing process that empowers you to realize your dreams and goals, making it a tremendous investment in yourself. It focuses on not just achieving your goals, but on balancing your energies, and aligning with who-you-truly-are.
The process helps create new ways of thinking, new habits, and new ways of 'being.' You learn to say YES to yourself, and be deliberate in your choices. The process moves you from intention to inspired action and towards success. You learn to feel satisfied with what is, but eager and excited about what lies ahead.
As your Partner and Coach, Yolanda facilitates the self-awareness and clarity you need to achieve your goals. Her style is that of ease, as she helps you learn to make choices that consistently move you forward.
These exclusive sessions spread over 12 weeks, hold space for you to explore your goals and strategies, as well as work through limiting beliefs, fears, and conditions. It helps you realize your dreams, with ease and purpose. Each session offers an uplifting way to nurture your whole self and guide you towards a new way of thinking and living. But most importantly, it gives you back your power – making work, relationships and life in general more enjoyable and more meaningful.