Dr. Wayne Dyer articulated it so precisely when he said, “The concept of balance defines our Universe. The cosmos, our planet, the seasons, water, wind, fire, and earth are all in perfect balance. We humans are the only exception.”
We humans are also born in balance. It is our focus, attention, and the choices we make along life’s journey that label us as the only exception. For most of us, our pre-occupation with the outer world takes centre-stage, becoming the focus of our lives, with little or no attention to our inner world. The gap widens as we get caught up with everyday routines and stresses, merely existing, rather than deliberately living the dream within – that vision of life we all hold. In other words, how our lives look to others and what other people think of us, begin to supersede how life feels to us. This throws us off balance time and time again, leaving us feeling ‘stuck’ in jobs, in relationships, in life.
Being in balance is an integral part of a harmonious life. It is about aligning our thoughts, emotions and actions so as to create habits that match our desires and dreams. Creating a habit takes practice, consistency and commitment. It takes learning to say YES to yourself, being deliberate in what you do. When you're in balance, you feel it. You get the sense that life is unfolding beautifully. You take things in your stride, responding more, reacting less. You feel healthy and vibrant most of the time. You accept contrasts as a part of your growth and expansion, but relaxed enough to deal with it. You feel satisfied with what is, but eager and excited at the possibilities ahead.
~ Yolanda Gonsalves
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